In the process of establishing this blog, I have become more 'body aware' and a strong advocate of 'knowing your own body'! That is, knowing 'what is normal for you,' regardless of your age! Not just in terms of Breast Exams but your general wellbeing as a woman! Of course these never replace regular check ups and routine testing. Remember if there's a family history of cancer or you have other hormonal and/or gyncological problems your check up and screening schedule need to be tailored. The Pink Hope Community Website is a great resource you should check out. All website links can be found under useful links on our blog. The are self breast exam videos under the blog archives or a search of utube. Here is another useful link.
What Is A Breast Self Exam? Are Breast Self Exams Useful? However you care for your body BE BREAST AWARE!
Contact Information
PO Box 483
For all enquires please email:
Telephone +61 0421 401 788
Friday, September 30, 2011
Debbie's Weekly Rap-Up!
Well PINK OCTOBER has arrived! Did you know over 40 cities around the world will unite this October to for Global Landmarks Illumination in the search for a cure?
Including landmarks around Brisbane such as the Story Bridge! So its a great excuse to go out and about to see the sights - which will be pink see for details. Sometimes all you need to unite with the world to defeat Breast Cancer is to give a little of your time to raise awareness. Like grabbing a few girlfriends to have a quiet drink and see Brisbane turn pink!
For events details see the Global Illumination Australia website.
October is as much about raising awareness for the need to continue research and early detection programs as it is about raising money. Its also a month to celebrate the gift of friendship and appreciate life itself. So this October unite with women around the world to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!
![]() |
October is about turning the globe pink |
For events details see the Global Illumination Australia website.
October is as much about raising awareness for the need to continue research and early detection programs as it is about raising money. Its also a month to celebrate the gift of friendship and appreciate life itself. So this October unite with women around the world to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!
Again this week I have discovered many different ways to raise awareness of issues surrounding a woman discovering she has cancer. It is not just her life that is dramaticily change but the lives of those who surround her. As the age of women discovering they have cancer seems to being getting younger, so to is the age of their loved ones. We often forget the family in focusing on the person who is ill. My attention this week has been drawn to the children of cancer patients and the need to help them understand what is happening around them.
This war against cancer has so many battle fronts I was completely unaware of before I created this blog. The week I discovered to new organizations involved in the support of cancer patients. The Look Good; Feel Better program which is supported by the cosmetic industry and the Breast Cancer Network. Or blog has links to all the organisations, programs and campaigns happening this month.
So whether your attend a Pink Hope Breakfast, a Mc Graph Foundation High Tea, Hosting a I heart/pink afternoon tea; buying or selling pink ribbon merchanise, dressing pink at your workplace, attending a lighting pink landmark, dancing or running for a cure or coming to A Girls Night In - remember it doesn't matter how you fight as long as you fight like a girl.
Don't forget if you can prove you've already given to the cancer foundation or one of the above and you still feel like a night of fashion your welcome to come at cost and under 10's are free!
Enjoy Fighting Like A Girl this week!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
It's Pink October!
So that means tickets to our
2011 Girls Nigh In
Fashion Frenzy
For the low cost of $10 per Girls
And its free entry for girls under 10 years old!
Remember on the night we're
bringing, swapping and buying
Pre-loved fashion items.
All enquires to
Tickets available from
Debbie on (07) 3281 3218
Aimee Lewis
Girls Night In Fashion Frenzy Facebook Events Page
Our secure Girls Night In Fundraising Page
By Mail: Please make cheques out to
The Cancer Council
PO Box 483
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The reason behind Girls Night In is
Did you know that every year in Australia around
12,700 women are diagnosed with breast cancer?
Early diagnosed is key so be breast aware,
if you notice any changes consult a doctor immediately.
Early detection increases your chances of survival
For information about what checks you need and
how regular visit
Monday, September 26, 2011
Experts Urge Women To Recognize Warning Signs For Ovarian Cancer; Receive Appropriate Screenings
Of the three major cancers that are concern to us girls. Perhaps Ovarian Cancer is the least discussed, warning signs not commonly known to all women and can be difficult to pinpoint even doctors abd thus as Ovarian Cancer is still called 'the slient killer' and there is still no reliable single detection tests.
BUT one in 70 women in the US will develop Ovarian Cancer and research has now found a gene linked to increased risk factors. See article Experts Urge Women To Recognize Warning Signs For Ovarian Cancer; Receive Appropriate Screenings:
Finding Of Gene Fusion In Ovarian Cancer Could Help Understanding Of How Deadly Tumors Develop And Spread
Read about this ground breaking research at Finding Of Gene Fusion In Ovarian Cancer Could Help Understanding Of How Deadly Tumors Develop And Spread
Wristbands Now On Sale!
To purchase email Debbie
Plan hot pink wristbands are your ticket
into 2011 Fashion Frenzy!
29 October
Remember No Ticket! No Entry on the night!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Needs & Sponsors
With most of our needs now being meet thanks to the generously support of our sponsors. However, donations of cash or gift vouchers to purchase food & beverages to serve on the night. You can make these donations by can be made electriconially online via our personal Girls Night
In Securer page where donations go directly to the Cancer Foundation of Australia and your tax deductible donation receipts are automatically sent to you.
Our Sponsors
Go Promotions Promotional items
ALARA Advertising
Dominos - Catering
Fed Up Catering & Service Staff
Emergency ID Goodies
Breast and Ovarian
Cancer Centre Goodies
Simone Perele 5 Lucky Door Prizes
Channel 7 Winners & Losses DVD
Shilioh Moore Door Prize
Everybody Fashion Fashion Parade
Thank you for your support,
Debbie & Aimee
Friday, September 23, 2011
Debbie's Weekly Wrap Up!
Hi Girls,
I hope you all had a great week and are gearing up for the start of Pink October which will be ending with a bang! Our Fashion Frenzy on the 29th October. Preparations for our Girls Night In continues to build. Yesterday, I talked to a clothing store – Everybody! Fashion shop for ladies size 8 to 26. May of be a mistake going in there though as a fell in love with a dress now need to go back and try it on.
Now I need to do some serious arm twisting to get some of my girl friends to model these fabulous designs! Please message me if you’re interested.
The other sponsor we gained this week was the Breast and Ovarian Cancer Center. They have provided some awesome gifts and plenty of information to take home and equip you to Fight Like A Girl!
Speaking of which our Fight Like A Wristbands arrived on Monday look fab. I’ll try up load a picture soon. They are on sale now for $3 each.
Remember on the night we’re bringing, swapping, selling and buying pre-loved fashion items so clean out your wardrobes and bag up what you no longer need. Somehow I took out 4 large plastic bags and a box of shoes and handbags out of mine this week.
Through developing my Girls Night In blog this year I have learn so much about a community of courageous and inspiring men and women who fight against cancer everyday of the year. Organizations such as the Pink Hope Foundation who work with high risk women (Breast Cancer); the Mc Graph foundation raising money for Breast Care Nurse; other girls who write their own blogs and share their personal stories to inspire others; the America Breast Cancer Site provides much support and encouragement on days I lack motivation and local small business who seek to raise funds.
I am also learning much about cancer, treatment options and early detection. I have a growing sense this is a fight together we can win.
In terms of the blog and its future I am aware I need to stop cutting and pasting from other sites and develop and fresh and informative approach. Which is one reason behind writing my weekly wrap up, it needs to be about my week.
However, I have so many creative friends, it is almost impossible not to know some whose lives haven’t been touch in some way by cancer. Cancer is personal, it has many faces, countless journeys and individual stories. So please feel free to email me your story at
If you’ve been following the blog you may have watched some of dance videos. This blog is about more than fighting cancer, its about celebrating! Its a place to celebrate the gift of life! Its a place to celebrate being a girl! Its a place to celebrate friendship! So come on and let’s celebrate!
There’s one week of school holidays left. You will never get today back. So live it! Take the chance to celebrate life with the kids! Do something silly with them. Make a video of you’re silly celebrations and post it to our Girl Night In event facebook events page. Its suppose to look silly so no need to worry. Dress in pink even better.
Remember tickets go on sale next Saturday and are available through me; Aimee or the website. Bookings are essential as our sponsors are waiting for numbers. Your personal invites will be out as soon as possible. So its time to grab your girlfriends and let us know how many your bringing along. Please make sure girls this year know everyone’s coming, its hard to get invites to everyone and where possible I’m doing it by email, so if there’s someone we need to send a invite to can you let me or Aimee know.
So what do you say are you in?
OMG! It's Cancer!
So a friend of love one has just been diagnose with Cancer. Its one of those times in our lives we either develop foot in mouth disease or don't know what to say or how to act around the person. Whatever you do don't run away or avoid the subject. The person who has just been diagnosed or waiting for a diagnoses is terrified and has some many questions. You are not the person to answer them. Your job is to be a friend or love one. Your role in there lives does not suddenly dramaticily change because their life has.
Here's a blog I just came across that may help guide you to support your love one. A Diagnoses of Cancer! What to say Please remember every women's journey is different. Their treatment options will be different, there access to medical services will be different depending on whether they have health insurance and where the live. Your love one might need to travel to access the medical care she needs further isolating here in the journey. She may have dependent children and her fears may focus of them. Let her be your guide to the areas in her life where she wants you support. Ask! Don't take what control she has. Would it help if I did the shopping? Can I baby sit while you have a night out? These may not be things she wants or needs. The best thing you can do is listen. If your still not sure get some advice. There is support for you as someone who is supporting a loved one. Get informed. Read what other women have been through. Seek information for reliable sources for yourself not to pass on to the person you are seeking to support. The journey is as individual as they are as a person. What helped one person may not work for your love one. Be there! Listen! Know as much as possible about what's occurring medically and let them guide you as to how to care for them - well that's what I would do in your situation.
Here's a blog I just came across that may help guide you to support your love one. A Diagnoses of Cancer! What to say Please remember every women's journey is different. Their treatment options will be different, there access to medical services will be different depending on whether they have health insurance and where the live. Your love one might need to travel to access the medical care she needs further isolating here in the journey. She may have dependent children and her fears may focus of them. Let her be your guide to the areas in her life where she wants you support. Ask! Don't take what control she has. Would it help if I did the shopping? Can I baby sit while you have a night out? These may not be things she wants or needs. The best thing you can do is listen. If your still not sure get some advice. There is support for you as someone who is supporting a loved one. Get informed. Read what other women have been through. Seek information for reliable sources for yourself not to pass on to the person you are seeking to support. The journey is as individual as they are as a person. What helped one person may not work for your love one. Be there! Listen! Know as much as possible about what's occurring medically and let them guide you as to how to care for them - well that's what I would do in your situation.
One Ladies Courage to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!
A story of inspiration for any young woman just diagnose with Breast Cancer. I fought like a girl.
In her own words
Often we focus so much on the person who is diagnosed with cancer, we for it is not just there lives that have been turned up side down. We women being diagnosed at younger ages, the increase chances are they are still caring for young children. If we as adults struggle with a cancer diagnoses of a love one, who much does a child struggle and how much do the understand of what is going on. Hear are the words of a young gril
My Parents Have Cancer Poem
This is a link to a website design to support young people whoes parents have cancer. It is truly inspirational.
My Parents Have Cancer Poem
This is a link to a website design to support young people whoes parents have cancer. It is truly inspirational.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Why are we fighting?
She Smiles and She Laughs
She laughs,
and she smiles
and she smiles
Unaware of this thing
Growing inside.
Today she’s watching
Her daughter playing in the bath,
She laughs
And she smiles.
Not knowing,
She’ll never have another child,
Because already the cells
Have begun too divide.
She laughs,
And she smiles,
As she throws her head back,
Today the girls are hitting around of golf.
She’s unaware of the mass growing inside,
The cancer cells don’t repair
But they still divide and
Attach together like cement,
She laughs
And she smiles,
As the girls have morning tea,
They laugh as children play on the swings,
Not knowing
Of the mass now
Growing rapidly inside,
Soon she won’t feel up to a cup tea.
She laughs
And still smiles,
Even though she feels tired,
She smiles at the little girl playing on the floor.
Unaware deadly cells
Have just pushed
Through the bowel wall
And there to they gather and begin to multiply.
She laughs
And she smiles,
As she peeps through the door,
She sees her girl playing in her room.
Still not knowing
Of the invader growing,
Inside her womb,
That killer is about to be announce,
She laughs
And she smiles,
Curled up in the arms of her man,
She’s been tired for days and doesn’t know why,
Unaware of the killer,
That’s been growing inside,
She pops to the loo,
And discovers these blood in the bowl,
She laughs it off,
And flashes her smile,
Coffee and cake,
Take her mind off it for a while,
Meanwhile the mass
That’s been growing inside,
Is trying to break and enters,
Into the lung.
Today there’s no laugher,
There’s been more blood in the bowl,
She cries so we don’t see her smile,
She’s been to the doctor and had lots of tests.
Now she knows of the masses inside,
The doctors think it started in an ovary,
It’s in her bowl and there’s a spot in the lung,
A full hysterectomy at the age of thirty-one,
Instead of her laugh,
We hear the anguish of her cry,
Tomorrow is her surgery,
She cries for two children she wanted one day.
She’s wheeled into surgery,
And the truth of her killer soon reveal,
They take out the uterus ovaries and all,
Sadly they’ve also taken her bowl.
She wakes and her smile breaks,
As she looks at the man that she loves,
Until they tell things just didn’t look good,
Today there’s no laugher, only tears in her eyes.
She’s had three months of radiation,
And almost a year of chemo on and off,
That spot on her lung has grown some more,
She cries as the doctors say they can do no more.
For a few more months she laughs with her daughter,
And smiles through the long days of pain,
She curls into the strong arms of her man,
She’s now just so weak.
She tries to hold her head up and laugh,
Instead all she can do is smile at her child,
Reflecting how much she’s grown,
As she plays with her father, on the front lawn.
The laugh is now silent,
No more I see her smile,
I can’t help these tears that roll down my face,
As I describe her laugh and the smile on her face.
Debbie Chilton Copyright (c) 2011
All Rights Reserved
Another Dance Video to Inspire Your Creativity
Now we want your moves!
Upload your video on
our Girls Night In Facebook
Events page! If you not an
invited Facebook guest
just message Debbie on
Facebook and she'll send
you an invite to access the page!
Enjoy your day!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Recycle Fashion Items 101
I took the plunge today! Umm! After removing 4 large garbage bags full of cloths and a box of shoes and handbags. my wardrobe still looks quiet full! I honestly don't know how I managed to fit all that stuff in my wardrobe!
. . . So what did I put in my bags. Shoes, belts, handbags, jumpers, jeans, coats, tees, pants, long sleeve shirts and and dresses . . .
. . . Unless you have already done the same its your turn . . .
. . . So what did I put in my bags. Shoes, belts, handbags, jumpers, jeans, coats, tees, pants, long sleeve shirts and and dresses . . .
. . . Unless you have already done the same its your turn . . .
Your tops and your bottoms,
Your hats and yours shoes,
You no longer wear them
so what good are they to you?
Jeans that are too tight
or those old daggie dress,
Like your grandma wrote,
Do you still want to keep them just in case?
Can you be brave like me
and throw out that favorited Tee,
And give away the old fashion boots,
Give the flick cloths that no longer fit the kids.
Bag them all up and bring them along,
Or you'll welcome to drop them to me,
Because on the night we'll be,
swapping and selling
bring and buying
Let's hope you score an outfit for free!
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