I purchased silicone wrisitbands to sell to help raise funds towards my Girls Night In Fundraising Night for the Cancer Council. Some of my friends pre-purchased there wristbands, this generated free publicity for the night as the girls wore their armbands. I was very impressed with the customer service, communication through the production time and everyone raved about the finished product. I have already recommended Go Promotion to my business networks. Debbie Chilton
Contact Information
PO Box 483
For all enquires please email:
Telephone +61 0421 401 788
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
What Every Women Needs To Know
One thing I like to promote on the blog is being proactive about your health. And girls that involves more than living a healthy Lifestyle. One goal in holding an annual Girls Night In is to remind my girlfriends about having the annual screening. One thing I think as busy women we often neglect. Here's why its important to stay on top of making those seemly inconvient medical appointments Screening Tests for Women
The Sliver Ribbon
In Australia one women every 10 hours dies of Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian Cancer is often referred to as the silent killer, women are often diagnosed in the later stages of the disease, making survival more difficult. Currently the is no screen test for ovarian cancer, although their are indication signs these are common to a number of other medical conditions. Read about the risk factors and symptoms here. If these raise any concerns for you, please make an appointment with your GP. The Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (OCRF) was established in 2000. The goal of the foundation is to increase survival rate through early detection. You can donate at Their Website.
Current campaigns included OCRF Simson Christmas Cards Collection. and Loreal Paris Gift Packs I know on this blog we're usually urging you to THINK PINK! But can we get you to THINK SLIVER for a while.
Monday, November 14, 2011
GE 100,000 Reason Gala Dinner
GE 100 000 Reasons Gala Dinner
To raise awareness and funds to fight cancer.
The 2011 Fundraising Process went to
the Mc Graph Foundation
Who through the funding of Breast Care Nurse
Support patients and their families while
undergoing treatment for Breast Cancer
particularly in rural areas of Australia.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Mark Your 2012 Diaries Now
Come Celebrate The
Spirit of Christmas
With Me In 2012.
Join me for
"A Pink Christmas"
A Fundraiser For
The Queensland Cancer Council
"A Pink Christmas"
A Fundraiser For
The Queensland Cancer Council
When: 24 November 2012 @ 5:30 pm
Where: TAB
Who: Invited Guests
Why: Catch-up before the Christmas rush and to celebrate friendships
Why Pink: This is an opportunity in the true spirit of Christmas to give to
others in the community who are doing life a little bit tough this
Christmas. Funds raised will go to the Queensland Cancer
Council to be distributed by the Girls Night In Campaign. Costs: Guesses will be asked to donate something towards the meal such as
a salad to feed one family. In addition to this I will be making this
my opportunity to catch-up with my family & friends at the end of
2012, as such I would ask you to donate any money we would
"normally" spend getting together at Christmas Time to the
Queensland Cancer Council, if it is also your custom to exchange
gifts with me at Christmas, I ask you to consider giving this to the
Queensland Cancer Council.
What else: My Christmas elves will be making items to hang on the Christmas
Tree as a symbol of "Hope for a cure for Cancer in 2013". All cash
donations can be placed inside a tree decoration and be placed on
my Christmas tree by you or your children. After dinner stay for
the lighting of the tree. All donations are tax delectable so please
ask for a recite.
RSVP Please RSVP by 14th November, 2012 via Telephone.
BYO Chair
Corporate Sponsors are welcome
Donations of craft items for our pre-Christmas Girls Night In Craft night on the 6 th October 2012 would be particularly welcomed. Please at debbieonline68@yahoo.com.au if you can assist in this area. Corporate Sponsorship Expression of interest kits will be available in August 2012 on request.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Fashion Targets Breast Cancer
You can read the latest Fashion Targets Breast Cancer newsletter here. Including how to register4 participate in finding a cure.
2012 Fundraising Finalized
I have now finalized me 2011 Fundraising account with the Queensland Cancer Council. My 2012 Girls Night In fundraising campaign will be launched on the 6th August 2012. I like you thank the business and individuals who generously help me raise $145 this year and look forward to partnering with some of you again in 2012.
Thank you
If you would like the thumbs up on 2012, please feel free to email me at debbieonline68@yahoo.com.au or message me on Facebook.
Be Activate Feel Your Boobies!
Cheeky Monday is Declared . . .
Just been reading the amazing Krystal Barter new blog on the Pink Hope Website . She and the Pink Hope team who have an online support group for women at high risk of developing Breast and Ovarian Cancer, have declared it a Cheeky Monday. As a reminder to their members to check the boobs. If you to GNI this year all the information on how to do a Cheeky Check-Up on your breast was in your good bags. If you didn't make it then you can visit Pink Hope or The Cheeky Check UP Website. As the breast tissues changes during the course of the month, it is recommend you perform your cheeky check ups about the same time each month.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Krystal From Pink Hope Nominated for Young Australian of the Year
Krystal Barter founder of Pink Hope, which is an online community to support women with a genetic family link to Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer, was nominated for the NSW young Australian Of The Year Awards.
Congratulations Krystal your nomination is well deserved. You can read her story on the Australian of the Year Awards website. You can read more of her journey on Krystal's Blog.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Photos Past & Present
2010 Cent Auction raised $242 |
The Girls From 2010 |
Raising money for a brighter future |
The Girls From 2011 and Their Hat Creations |
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Our FIGHT LIKE A GIRLS WRIST BANDS are still. available @ $3 each and we will donate $1 from each sale to the Queensland Cancer Council. Email me for orders. |
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Queensland Times Newspaper |
When Girls Night In Meets Fashion
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Pink Christmas Concept
The PINK CHRISTMAS CONCEPT is processing in my mind. Money raised during 2012 will still be donated to women who are undergoing or have undergone treatment for cancer. Girl's Nights specifically raise money to support women and their families who are undergoing diagnostic treatment for Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer and Ovarian Cancer.
My GNI have been very small in numbers and extremely taxing on my health, So going to change my format. Yes we will still have a small intimate Girls Night In 2012. It will mostly likely be a craft night and not a fundraiser night itself. Rather a preparation night for our 'main event'.
You are welcome to celebrate Christmas 2012 with me. Pink Christmas will be held in November 2012. Every November and December I struggle to meet up with all my friends and business networks. So in 2012 I am asking everyone to join me at my place for Christmas and donate the money we would spend going to dinner and parties to the Queensland Cancer Council. Thus I will not be attending Christmas parties and trying to catch up with friends outside of my own party.
In the process I want you help me decorate my Christmas Tree. On the night we will be lighting the Christmas tree in the hope of finding a cure for many forms of cancers. All decorations I hope will be handmade and you will be able to hang you 'gift' (donation) on the tree. Made my my girlfriends and their friends at little gathering during October. All money on the tree will be donated to the Queensland Cancer Council or other organisations support women with cancer and their families.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or suggestions.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or suggestions.
Our Girl's Night 29 October 2011
Ssh! You can't rush creative Genus |
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Umm! Pizza goes down well! Thanks to our sponsors Domino's What's in the box? |
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Ok . . . We're ready for the Melbourne Cup Parties |
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We're here . . . Where is everybody! Go Promotions! Dominos Pizza Ipswich Emergency ID Australia ARALA Association Shiloh More Thank to our sponsors for your support With your support we raised $145 |
Hope to see you again next year!
Monday, October 24, 2011
How did you celebrate Pink Ribbon Day?
Faces of Pink Ribbon Day 2011
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Roman Keating and Sarah Mc Leod See Daily Telegraph Story |
Roman's passed away from breast cancer's mother.
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Maggie Berier bakes cupcakes for Pink Ribbon Day |
Maggie is the Commonwealth Banks Ambassor for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. More than 14,000 women in Australia are diagnosed with Breast Cancer each year. Many are unaware that family history is such a large determining factor and can now be detected by genetic testing. Women often ask questions regarding the mother's family history, when the gene mutation can be also inherited from their father.
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Fifi and Jules from the Today Show show off there true colours |
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Breast Cancer doesn't discriminate
Sadly despite common belief Breast Cancer doesn't discriminate. The popular held view that breast cancer is a health issue for women over 40 is not true. Anyone who has breast tissue can develop breast cancer, women, men, girls and boys regardless of their age. Yesterday I read story of brave Autumn Sakai, who at 10 years old has undergone a mesectomy, chemo and radiation. She wants to get the message out to other children.
Please tell your parents about changes of weird things happening with your body.
Autumn Sakai
Click here for Autumn's Story
Pink Ribbon Day
Tomorrow is . . .
Pink Ribbon Day
Please Remember to buy pink ribbon merchandise and
support the work of the Cancer Council.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
It's My Turn To Fight Cancer
. . .So its October and the world seems to have turned pink from bridges light up with pink lights to chocolate mud cakes with hot pink icing. Well for one thing us got the world talking, if you don't know its breast cancer awareness then you must be dead! But is that really enough to stop cancer in its tracks! It hasn't worked so far so maybe we need to rethink how we are fighting the disease!
Knowing is simply not enough we as individuals have to fight against cancer. Look and feeling isn't always 100% accruicate. What is right for me is not going to work for you. This fight is personal!
We need women to understand their personal risk factor for cancer. This requires having honest, straightforward conversation with family members and fining out what the family's history is including the men.Angela Smith
Every woman needs to develop a person 'action plan' to fight against cancer with her GP. The proactive attitude towards cancer should just be about means early direction. We can take steps to stop ourselves from even developing cancer, such as diet and exercise, argues Angela Smith.We all 'know' lifestyle habits that increase the risk of developing cancer and now we have blood test that can detect family genes that will indicate if you are at increases risk of breast or ovarian cancer. I encourage you to contact Pink Hope if you have a history of cancer in your family.
In the course of developing, researching and writing this blog I have discovered that in many cases we are being held captive by the fear of developing cancer. We do not need to live under this captivity, we can be proactive about caring for our bodies as women.
Chose today not to live under captivity, talk to your doctor about developing a personal flight plan in your fight to defeat cancer. October's the prefect opportunity to be talking to your family and doctor to ensure you got the best plan of attack for for body to defeat cancer.
Come on! Fight Like A Girl!
Adapted from My Turn: breast cancer fight should move beyond awareness (Angela Smith)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Why are we fighting?
She Smiles and She Laughs
She laughs,
and she smiles
and she smiles
Unaware of this thing
Growing inside.
Today she’s watching
Her daughter playing in the bath,
She laughs
And she smiles.
Not knowing,
She’ll never have another child,
Because already the cells
Have begun too divide.
She laughs,
And she smiles,
As she throws her head back,
Today the girls are hitting around of golf.
She’s unaware of the mass growing inside,
The cancer cells don’t repair
But they still divide and
Attach together like cement,
She laughs
And she smiles,
As the girls have morning tea,
They laugh as children play on the swings,
Not knowing
Of the mass now
Growing rapidly inside,
Soon she won’t feel up to a cup tea.
She laughs
And still smiles,
Even though she feels tired,
She smiles at the little girl playing on the floor.
Unaware deadly cells
Have just pushed
Through the bowel wall
And there to they gather and begin to multiply.
She laughs
And she smiles,
As she peeps through the door,
She sees her girl playing in her room.
Still not knowing
Of the invader growing,
Inside her womb,
That killer is about to be announce,
She laughs
And she smiles,
Curled up in the arms of her man,
She’s been tired for days and doesn’t know why,
Unaware of the killer,
That’s been growing inside,
She pops to the loo,
And discovers these blood in the bowl,
She laughs it off,
And flashes her smile,
Coffee and cake,
Take her mind off it for a while,
Meanwhile the mass
That’s been growing inside,
Is trying to break and enters,
Into the lung.
Today there’s no laugher,
There’s been more blood in the bowl,
She cries so we don’t see her smile,
She’s been to the doctor and had lots of tests.
Now she knows of the masses inside,
The doctors think it started in an ovary,
It’s in her bowl and there’s a spot in the lung,
A full hysterectomy at the age of thirty-one,
Instead of her laugh,
We hear the anguish of her cry,
Tomorrow is her surgery,
She cries for two children she wanted one day.
She’s wheeled into surgery,
And the truth of her killer soon reveal,
They take out the uterus ovaries and all,
Sadly they’ve also taken her bowl.
She wakes and her smile breaks,
As she looks at the man that she loves,
Until they tell things just didn’t look good,
Today there’s no laugher, only tears in her eyes.
She’s had three months of radiation,
And almost a year of chemo on and off,
That spot on her lung has grown some more,
She cries as the doctors say they can do no more.
For a few more months she laughs with her daughter,
And smiles through the long days of pain,
She curls into the strong arms of her man,
She’s now just so weak.
She tries to hold her head up and laugh,
Instead all she can do is smile at her child,
Reflecting how much she’s grown,
As she plays with her father, on the front lawn.
The laugh is now silent,
No more I see her smile,
I can’t help these tears that roll down my face,
As I describe her laugh and the smile on her face.
Debbie Chilton Copyright (c) 2011
All Rights Reserved
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Helping Young People Deal With Cancer
Let's Face It When It Comes To Cancer
Talking isn't easy!
When it comes to talking to kids and young people it gets a whole lot tougher! Let's be honest not everyone is a talker. But when it comes to kids and cancer they need to know what going on and not a sweeten version. They need honesty! The good news is there's no right or wrong way to talk about cancer with your child. The bad news is there no right or wrong way to talk about cancer to your child. But you do need to talk honestly. They need to know what might happen . . . The need to know how you feel . . .
Is it ok to be frighten, sad, and angry. If you can tell them how you feel that's a good place to start. But if they shut down then you may need to be creative. Don't know if you noticed lately Teenagers but teenagers aren't big on talking any how! There in to texting, twitter and facebook . . . So even though we think that's inappropriate you might need to start there on there level.
Be honest about how you feel. Look mate! I am really angry today, but I'm not angry at you. I angry because your mum's cancer came back! I scared I don't know how to look after mum and you, so you need to remind me if I forget to do something or you need a hand with your homework. Hopefully that will encourage them to talk. Maybe if you both angry you need a run round the basket ball court together.
When you talk don't worry about getting it right first rime round. Or if you can't answer all there question changes are depending on the age of your child you'll have the same conservation more than once. Don't be afraid to That's a good question, let me ask the doctor at my next check up.
But in the mean time the now what website is a resource that can help and if your child is old enough the can talk to other kids who's parents have cancer.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
OMG! It's Cancer! What Now?
As hard as it is for us adults . . .the reality is that children and younger people have to come to terms with a parents or sibling be diagnosed with cancer. At a time when everybody is feeling unsure and as a family you're looking for answers the kids have the own unique needs. Remember you are not alone as you enter the battle with cancer. There are heaps of resources and support organsations and here's one for young people. Whether its a siblings, a parent or the child themselves with cancer, Now What Resources can assist you.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Debbie's Weekly Rap-Up!
Well the count down is on! Our Girls Night In is only 4 weeks away and lots of party supplies are already here. I really need you girls to RSVP on time so I can meet with the catering people. We are not providing dinner but light refreshments and drinks including wine. Remember you can pay on the night. However because the address is on the blog, it needs to be strictly NO TICKET! NO ENTRY! ON THE NIGHT! so if you are inviting your friends I need names otherwise they will.be turned away on the night and we don't want that! All the information on ticket sales are on top of our blog site or email Debbie
Donations of pre-loved fashion items are already coming in. If you live locally and are able to drop your cloths in for pre-sorting we would really, really, appreciate it. If you do drop in items early you are still able to swap on the night. You name will be recorded and I'll give you a ticket(s) that will allow you to swap on the night!
This we I was interviewed by the Queensland Times for a story they are running for the Girls Night In campaign. The photographer is coming out at lunch time on Tuesday, so its another opportunity to celebrate the gift of friendship. So your all invited to join us for brunch, if you are coming could you text Debbie on 0421 401 788 or email and bring a plate of food to come. Please come and enjoy some 'girlfriend time' even if you're on able to come on the night. Brunch 4 A Cure is at my place at 11am on the 11th on October!
This week the message that came home was you have choices when you are diagnosed with Cancer! If you live in Brisbane or are undergoing treatment in South East Queensland theres support available through the The Choices Program at the Weserly Hospital. Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatments don't work for everybody. The days of blanket treatments are thankfully over. OMG! It is cancer . . . but you can THINK CHOICES! As for them! You're is shock and your sick! There's lots of support ogranisation out there. Use them! I am trying to put all the links I find on the blog to help you FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!
Whether your a supporter, assisting and supporting raising funds and awareness for the Cancer Council; a girl being pro-active about her health and well being, newly diagnosed, undergoing treatment or a cancer survivor, the need to make choices that are right for you. If you want to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL make sure your boxing gloves are the right size!
Donations of pre-loved fashion items are already coming in. If you live locally and are able to drop your cloths in for pre-sorting we would really, really, appreciate it. If you do drop in items early you are still able to swap on the night. You name will be recorded and I'll give you a ticket(s) that will allow you to swap on the night!
This we I was interviewed by the Queensland Times for a story they are running for the Girls Night In campaign. The photographer is coming out at lunch time on Tuesday, so its another opportunity to celebrate the gift of friendship. So your all invited to join us for brunch, if you are coming could you text Debbie on 0421 401 788 or email and bring a plate of food to come. Please come and enjoy some 'girlfriend time' even if you're on able to come on the night. Brunch 4 A Cure is at my place at 11am on the 11th on October!
This week the message that came home was you have choices when you are diagnosed with Cancer! If you live in Brisbane or are undergoing treatment in South East Queensland theres support available through the The Choices Program at the Weserly Hospital. Chemotherapy and Radiation Treatments don't work for everybody. The days of blanket treatments are thankfully over. OMG! It is cancer . . . but you can THINK CHOICES! As for them! You're is shock and your sick! There's lots of support ogranisation out there. Use them! I am trying to put all the links I find on the blog to help you FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!
Whether your a supporter, assisting and supporting raising funds and awareness for the Cancer Council; a girl being pro-active about her health and well being, newly diagnosed, undergoing treatment or a cancer survivor, the need to make choices that are right for you. If you want to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL make sure your boxing gloves are the right size!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
If it's worth knowing about . . . PASS IT ON!
Did you know there is a diagnostic
test to guide you and your doctors
in deciding which treatment is
I sure didn't!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Brunch 4 A Cure!
You are invite for brunch
Tuesday 11th October!
at 11am.
29 Lowry St, North Ipswich
To assist in the promotion for
To assist in the promotion for
The Cancer Council's
Girls Night In Campaign!
Take this opportunity to catch up!
All we need is a few hours of your time
and a few photos for an article in
The Queensland Times!
If you're coming can you bring a plate!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Avoid Boggy Products!
For a full list of products
Supporting the
and what companies intend to donate Visit
Because every cents in the fight counts!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Riders For A Cause
Meet Andrew and Glenn as they ride around the world for a cure! Meet the riders Their 56 cities, 12 countries coving 2 continents journey . . . To raise money for the Kim Walters Foundation Choices Program
. In
Think Pink! Think Choices!
It's Cancer!
But You Still Have Choices
The Choices Program at the
Wesley Hospital (Brisbane)
Supports Women and Men
in making those choices. . .
So when You Think Pink!
Think Choices!
In 1998 the choices program was establish in memory of Kim Walters to support breast Cancer Patients (KWCP) however, due to demand in 2006 the program was extend to support men and women diagnosed with all cancers. The Choices Program provide information, support, and breast care nurses, regardless of where patients are receiving their treatment. For more information Click Here
Friday, September 30, 2011
Are Breast Self Exams Useful?
In the process of establishing this blog, I have become more 'body aware' and a strong advocate of 'knowing your own body'! That is, knowing 'what is normal for you,' regardless of your age! Not just in terms of Breast Exams but your general wellbeing as a woman! Of course these never replace regular check ups and routine testing. Remember if there's a family history of cancer or you have other hormonal and/or gyncological problems your check up and screening schedule need to be tailored. The Pink Hope Community Website is a great resource you should check out. All website links can be found under useful links on our blog. The are self breast exam videos under the blog archives or a search of utube. Here is another useful link.
What Is A Breast Self Exam? Are Breast Self Exams Useful? However you care for your body BE BREAST AWARE!
Debbie's Weekly Rap-Up!
Well PINK OCTOBER has arrived! Did you know over 40 cities around the world will unite this October to for Global Landmarks Illumination in the search for a cure?
Including landmarks around Brisbane such as the Story Bridge! So its a great excuse to go out and about to see the sights - which will be pink see for details. Sometimes all you need to unite with the world to defeat Breast Cancer is to give a little of your time to raise awareness. Like grabbing a few girlfriends to have a quiet drink and see Brisbane turn pink!
For events details see the Global Illumination Australia website.
October is as much about raising awareness for the need to continue research and early detection programs as it is about raising money. Its also a month to celebrate the gift of friendship and appreciate life itself. So this October unite with women around the world to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!
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October is about turning the globe pink |
For events details see the Global Illumination Australia website.
October is as much about raising awareness for the need to continue research and early detection programs as it is about raising money. Its also a month to celebrate the gift of friendship and appreciate life itself. So this October unite with women around the world to FIGHT LIKE A GIRL!
Again this week I have discovered many different ways to raise awareness of issues surrounding a woman discovering she has cancer. It is not just her life that is dramaticily change but the lives of those who surround her. As the age of women discovering they have cancer seems to being getting younger, so to is the age of their loved ones. We often forget the family in focusing on the person who is ill. My attention this week has been drawn to the children of cancer patients and the need to help them understand what is happening around them.
This war against cancer has so many battle fronts I was completely unaware of before I created this blog. The week I discovered to new organizations involved in the support of cancer patients. The Look Good; Feel Better program which is supported by the cosmetic industry and the Breast Cancer Network. Or blog has links to all the organisations, programs and campaigns happening this month.
So whether your attend a Pink Hope Breakfast, a Mc Graph Foundation High Tea, Hosting a I heart/pink afternoon tea; buying or selling pink ribbon merchanise, dressing pink at your workplace, attending a lighting pink landmark, dancing or running for a cure or coming to A Girls Night In - remember it doesn't matter how you fight as long as you fight like a girl.
Don't forget if you can prove you've already given to the cancer foundation or one of the above and you still feel like a night of fashion your welcome to come at cost and under 10's are free!
Enjoy Fighting Like A Girl this week!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
It's Pink October!
So that means tickets to our
2011 Girls Nigh In
Fashion Frenzy
For the low cost of $10 per Girls
And its free entry for girls under 10 years old!
Remember on the night we're
bringing, swapping and buying
Pre-loved fashion items.
All enquires to debbieonline68@yahoo.com.au
Tickets available from
Debbie on (07) 3281 3218
Aimee Lewis
Girls Night In Fashion Frenzy Facebook Events Page
Our secure Girls Night In Fundraising Page
By Mail: Please make cheques out to
The Cancer Council
PO Box 483
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The reason behind Girls Night In is
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